COVID-19 CLOSURE — No in-church services as of 21 October 2020

The Immaculate Conception Parish Pastoral Council held a remote meeting on the evening of 21 October. In light of the current surge of cases in the YK region and especially in the area around Bethel and nearby villages they agreed unanimously to advise Fr Rich to stop holding in-church services.

Therefore Fr Rich Magner, SJ has issued a Closure Notice to stop all gatherings on the properties of Immaculate Conception Church  until further notice.

We apologize for this inconvenience and especially for the hardship suffered by grieving families.*

FACEBOOK:        The recorded Mass will continue to be available on Facebook, in both video format and sound-only format.

BETHELCATHOLIC.ORG: Fr Mark Hoelsken is out of the village until mid-November, therefore during the weeks of 25 October to 8 November there will be some interruption of timely Mass postings on this website. During the weeks of 25 October to 8 November please follow the Mass each week on Facebook or by Zoom on Sunday mornings.

ZOOM: Fr Rich will host a Zoom Mass each Sunday morning at 10:30 AST. All who are interested to attend that Mass should contact Fr Rich for login information. Contact Fr Rich at: 907-545-1123, or

*  Grieving families please contact Fr Rich to make necessary arrangements for care for your families and for the respectful burial of loved ones.
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